Tuesday, September 05, 2006

How Can Some People Live With Themselves?

Look about half way down this news briefs page and you will see a story about a man in a wheelchair who was robbed at knife point. That's pretty low, even for scum-bags...

First off, I can't see how anyone can rob from someone else and actually still want to live with themselves afterwards. I just can't imagine having that little respect for other people and their property. However, to rob a guy who has cerebral palsy is just plain low. This couple should be crippled by guilt, but somehow I doubt they actually are.


Dionne said...

I used to wonder how Bill Clinton could sleep at night. I think people this sick either don't have a conscience or they use a lot of drugs to avoid the guilt.

stuffle said...

Actually, it is probably the drugs that cause them to be in a situation where they need to steal from a wheelchair bound man in order to get their next fix...

Your absolutely right about the lack of conscience. I think a lot of that has to do with the "entitlement" mentality that our welfare state produces combined with either an over coddling, or an under-parenting of children when they are growing up.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

09 09 06

Hey STuffle: I trip off of people like that. I chanced upon a crack dealer the other day in the Bay Area and he had no compunction discussing how much he makes selling crack cocaine on the streets. Back in my day we would have tarred and feathered him for committing genocide in our community, but now it is almost a badge of honor to sell crack. And it is all related to the fact that we live in a Godless nation and that people don't teach their children about lovingkindness and respect (for the most part) and that is sad. So always glad to see you who teach the Sunday school and are involved in your children's lives!!!