Monday, August 22, 2005

With Parents Like That...

Also from New of the Weird:

In March, when Knoxville, Tenn., prosecutors ordered 582 parents of chronically truant students to a meeting to advise them of their responsibility to get their kids to school, 241 failed to show up.

Which shows a really big part of the problem with society. That is, parents who are not at all interested in the training and educating of their children. They either don't give a shit, or they expect the school to do their job for them, or both.
This reminds me of a meeting we had at school a couple of years ago when they explained the "points system" that was implemented for graduation at our daughter's school. When it came to question and answer time, there were a fair number of parents who were not asking questions like "how can I help my child achieve these points", but were more along the lines of "are there going to be enough non-acedemic ways for my child to get points so s/he can graduate" (IOW, how can we skirt the system). It was really sickening and pathetic.

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