Sunday, August 14, 2005

More on Voting

Let's take a look at some of the statements made at the Voting Rights Act renewal demonstration. Let's take a look at some of these gems.

Stevie Wonder told the crowd that it’s “ridiculous” that in 2005, Black Americans must stage mass demonstrations to demand their right to vote.

Really? I could have sworn that Black Americans already had the right to vote. If you were to listen to Mr. Wonder, you would think only white males can vote.

Meanwhile, Jackson said the Voting Rights Act will impact future generations, like Beverly. “We need to act with a sense of desperation,” Jackson told “Our right to vote is in jeopardy, and the radical right-wing is trying to undermine our right to vote.”

Oh, look, more bullshit implying that simple and basic voting reforms, like requiring a person to show I.D. to prove that they are who they say they are, is somehow going to take votes away from legitimate minority voters. I suppose some people are stupid enough to believe that.

In the end, however, Jackson just needs to come up with reasons for his Rainbow/PUSH coalition to exist. After all, many of the very real problems that these organizations were once fighting are really no longer problems.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, echoed sentiments that the Voting Rights Act protects those who were “abused and discriminated” against during the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. She said the United States is still the “laughing stock of the world” because of two “failed” elections.

That one statement just makes my head spin. First off, if anyone was actually "abused and discriminated" against in 2000 and 2004, then I guess the act didn't actually protect anyone. Of course, that is not actually the case. Every re-count done by anyone in 2000 showed Bush to be the winner. These loons just can't accept the fact that Bush won, and want to take every opportunity possible to delude themselves.

To these folks, the only "fair" election is one in which
their guy wins. Any other election must be labeled as "unfair" for one reason or another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I really should just get off the Internet right now; I just keep getting angrier and angrier. You had to use Jesse Jackson name, thanks, thanks alot.