Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Racist RSS Reader...

When I loaded my RSS reader this morning, under the "blogs" folder was an article by James Manning titled "Are Blacks Folks Just Dumber?" immediately followed by an article by Teacher Tori titled "yes yes yes yes yes".

Now, I am not saying I agree with my RSS reader, but I did think that was pretty funny...

Anyhow, James' article is worth the read. You should check it out if you have a chance.


James Manning said...

That is pretty funny. I'll blame in on "Da Man" trying to get under a brotha's skin.

How does that RSS reader work anyway?

stuffle said...

The RSS reader works well. The thing I really like about it is that rather than just going by feeds, like most RSS readers, this reader has some filter mechanisms that will sort the articles into different folders based on specific criteria.

Thus, for all of the blog RSS feeds, I have those filtered into one folder. Then I have the NYT, BBC, AP, etc feed sorted into another folder, and articles with certain keywords get flagged, etc.

All in all, if you have a Mac, PulpFiction makes a very good RSS news reader.