Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Art Museum Drunkfest...

So, we here in Milwaukee hire a world famous architect to build a beautiful addition to our art museum, and what do we do? We use it to hold a drunken puke-fest.

"Hindsight is 20-20 . . . it was probably too cheap," Kerry Wolfe, a local programming director for Clear Channel, said of the event's premise - unlimited martinis for $30.

OK, so what did you think was going to happen? This is Wisconsin. Binge drinking is pretty much a way of life here. Any amount of money for unlimited booze is pretty much a bad idea. It isn't that you charged too little, it is the "unlimited" part where you screwed up...

At the event, several vendors ran out of food, drink mix and vodka early on. Some who ran out of mix started pouring straight shots of vodka, according to several accounts.

OK, rant time. Drink mix? I thought this was a Martini-Fest. Wouldn't the "drink mix" just be vermouth? Of course, they probably had all those gay flavored martinis that appear to be popular these days. And vodka? Real martinis are made with gin, damn-it.
Clear Channel plans to stage another Martinifest in 2007 - in a larger location, Wolfe said.
Yeah. After all, this one worked out to be such a smashing success...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Ken, funny stuff.