Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

We are having a bible study at church about the truth and lies in The Da Vinci Code, so I finally read the book. Dan Brown was a genius to that "this is the truth" page, rather than something more accurate, like a "the views expressed in this book are based on highly questionable research" page. Had he done that, I doubt this book would have sold all that well. After all, it is not really all that good. The characters are barely developed and highly stereotypical, the plot line thin and is very predictable, and the writing style is not exactly eloquent.

Luckily, I decided to follow that one up with A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Alex's little soliloquies may not compare to that of Hamlet's or anything, but the story is far more compelling and the writing far more colorful. By far a more enjoyable read (and it doesn't hurt any that Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of this book is one of my all time favorite movies).

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