Monday, December 19, 2005

This "Problem" Will Take Care of Itself...

I am really sick and tired of all of these crybabies who want to over-regulate private businesses. This is the type of thing that should be left to the owners of the establishments to determine. When it comes to establishments like bars and restaurants, this is a customer service issue, and an employment issue, not a issue for government. Businesses that do a poor job catering to their customers (be they smokers or non-smokers), will tend not to do that well.

The upshot of leaving this a customer service issue is that there will be bars where smokers can go and feel comfortable, and there will be bars or restaurants that don't allow any smoking and do quite well with the non-smoking crowd, and there will be establishments that are somewhere in the middle.

OTOH, when crap like this is regulated by the government, there are always unintended negative consequences. For example:

However, a study by University College London suggests smoking bans in public places lead to children being exposed to higher levels of tobacco smoke at home.

This only makes sense when government goes so overboard with regulations that it leaves smokers no where to go other than to stay home.


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

12 20 05

I completely agree with you on this one. Private businesses should be able to do what they wish,satisfying environmental regulations etc...I did a post about Trade Liberalization in Africa and one of the main problems is PROTECTIONISM. Some of the tariffs reach 38%! So overrugulating private business is for the birds!!! Good post and Merry Christmas:)

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

12 20 05

Oh and interesting name change thx for the story cuz it helps to see it!