Saturday, June 18, 2005

More Proof Liberals are Insane...

Liberals are becoming increasingly more insane, and it is not just Howard Dean, either, but the whole lot of them. They seem to have all taken to making just absurd statements that have absolutely no grounding in reality.

Amnesty International has shown its true colors as being less of a "human rights" organization, and more of a lefty political activist organization when representatives of AI, testifying before congress, referred to Guantanamo Bay as a "gulag", even though conditions at Guantanamo Bay aren't even close to being as bad as gulag conditions. Buy, heh, I guess if you are a liberal, you can just ignore messy little facts like that.

There there are the insane statements made by Senator Durbin. NotADesperateHousewife has an excellent article on that subject. She makes excellent points, and I cannot really add anything to them, so I would suggest you just go read her article.

It seems to me that politicians in general, but especially liberal politicians have moved beyond intelligent debate, and now are just happy throwing ridiculous platitudes about. The platitudes don't have to be true. Evidently they don't even have to be close to being grounded in reality, so long as they make the other side look bad. The sad part is some idiots actually believe them...

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