Friday, June 24, 2005

I Doubt We Could Handle a Major War Anymore...

Could we handle something like the battle for Normandy today? I doubt it. We are far too weak of will. We have people whining about the "massive" death toll in the "unjust" war in Iraq. A total death toll that is tiny compared to just single battles in other wars, in a war that was far more "just" than they way these people were treated by their own leaders. This war has quite simply been, and continues to be, a success by any reasonable definition of success. That bothers some people, so they will attempt to spin at something else.

Just look at the numbers of people who want us to set a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq, and the rhetoric they throw around. You want to know what I would call a reasonable timetable? Never, that is what is reasonable, never...

We are always going to have to be there so long as Iraq has a freely elected government that is friendly to us, the same way that we have had troops in Germany and France since the end of WWII. To leave at any point in the near future would just be an invitation to the insurgents to overthrow what many nations, including the Iraqi people, have worked very hard to achieve. That being a freely elected government instead of tyrannical rule. They have not achieved that yet, but even when they do, they will still need our military presence there to help them.

The insurgents are not going to stop if we leave. Their attacks will just get worse. They won't be happy when we are gone (at least not because we are gone). They won't be happy until they overthrow what we have worked very hard to help the Iraqis build, and replace it with a hardline, muslim tyranny.


Stacy said...

Nice post, and your assessment is 100% correct. I also point out to people all the time that we are still in Germany & Japan. Time table, shime table, it's never a good idea to leave a job undone, it always comes back and bites you in the ass later.

stuffle said...

Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure what these people calling for a timetable expect to happen if were to leave.

Canadianna said...

It's difficult to fight a war on the nightly news. During WWII people only saw what the government wanted them to see and then, it was long after the fact.

You're right, it would be a mistake to set a timetable. I don't think there are any easy answers, but even those who were against the war should understand that follow-through is necessary. Anything less and the US would be accused of abandoning a situation they had a part in creating.

No one has a stomach for war and the death of their countrymen. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to know family members and friends are in danger over there. How much better would it be if Bush determined a pull-out date? It would impose constraints on the people on the ground and give the insurgents motivation to heighten their attacks. And should there be a reason to delay withdrawal, that would be a fault too.

The Exile said...

I'm not sure what these people calling for a timetable expect to happen if were to leave.

You read my post. What they expect to happen is a massive slaughter that will harm Conservatives and help the Left's political power.

They are willing to let millions die because they want power. Period.