Friday, October 07, 2005

Random Items of Interest

Been busy lately, and haven't had anything to comment on. However, here are some links to interesting things others have had to say.

  • Eddie has a nice article on the need to eliminate Medicaid. He also raises some good points on the despicable practice that some people partake in of making themselves look poor so Medicaid will flip the bill when they get older. Look people, this is one of those things you should be saving for. This is part of why you have a life savings. Use it for that rather than being a burden on the taxpayers...

  • Race is still an issue. It is interesting (and wrong) how certain minorities can get away with stuff that white folks like me would (rightly) be heavily criticized for doing. The Exile
    has written up a great example of that. Be sure to read the comments. There is a lefty in there named "Harold" who thinks he is being clever. Very funny.

  • And finally, ending on the lighter side of life, bob has a funny article that explains what to take to an anti-war protest. Mostly items to help fend off those dirty stinking hippies.

Well, that's it for now. Maybe next week I will actually read the news or something and come up with my own thoughts.

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