Monday, July 16, 2007


It is certainly great news that work has begun on a new X-Files movie. The X-Files is the last non-animated show that I recall actually watching on a regular basis. Of course, my wife will try to tell you it is because I had a crush on Scully (which is true), but the X-Files also had excellent and clever writing, a compelling plot line, several sub-plots woven between episodes, and was just plain interesting.

Everything that has come since then has just been crap. Not only are our airwaves polluted with way too many "reality" shows today, but I really have a hard time getting into a lot of the other shows out there like 24, Lost, or Prison Break. C.S.I. is tolerable, but not a "must-watch" show (besides, my wife loves the show, and gets the seasons on DVD, so then I can watch without commercials).

Don't even get me started on what passes for a "Comedy" today... They all pretty much suck. About the only comedy writing left that is even remotely clever is limited to The Simpsons and South Park.

Hopefully the new X-Files movie will be as good as the first one was...

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