Sunday, September 18, 2005

First Day of Class

Last week, I volunteered to teach the nursery Sunday school class. This means that I am teaching 3 year old children. It has been a long time since my daughter was 3 (she is 15 now). Also, this is the first time I have ever taught a class. Please pray for me and for my class. While you are at it, pray for all Sunday School teachers.

Today was the first day of class. Three year olds are shy, and it took a little while before they weren't afraid of me. However, as we did things, I could see that I was starting to gain their trust. For a couple of them, their parents were even able to leave (which actually helped quite a bit). Sometimes it is not really clear who has more separation anxiety, the parents or the students.

Today, after making name tags, we played with Play Dough while I explained how God shaped a formless void into the planets and stars and moons and everything else. I then showed the kids some of God's creations using Ashley's old Beanie Babies, and then read the creation story to them. After that I had them pick out and name some of God's creatures from a picture. Then it was snack time, and time for them to color a collage of God's creations. At the end of the period, we prayed and cleaned up before going down to the sanctuary for "Sing and Celebrate."

Next week we go through the story of Noah and the flood.

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