Monday, August 06, 2007

Punish Me, Hello Kitty

Police in Bangkok, Thailand are being punished for minor offenses, such as showing up for work late or parking in the wrong spot, by having to wear a Hello Kitty arm band.  Personally, I don't really see this as punishment, and might just push the rules a little just so I could wear one.  Yeah, that may sound a little gay, but hey, whatever.

While we are on the subject, my daughter got a Hello Kitty toaster from her boyfriend on her 17th birthday (just last month).  This is the coolest toaster, ever.  It even leaves a little section of the bread un-toasted in the shape of a Hello Kitty head.  The kid and I have been pretty much using this toaster exclusively.  My wife, on the other hand, sticks with the plain old boring non-Hello Kitty toaster.  Oh well.  No accounting for taste there, I guess...


Dionne said...

LOL :-) That seems like a very odd punishment.

The Hello Kitty toaster is priceless, I love it!!

Bstermyster said...

Dude!! Hello Kitty Toaster??? That rocks. My fave sanrio character is Kerroppi.

stuffle said...

My favorite would have to be Badtz-Maru...